
This page encompasses a chronological compilation of blog posts written by me, however paginated. If you are seeking a comprehensive index of all posts without pagination, the 'Archive' section is available.

Designing a Data Flow Language - PIPE

. After several days of design thinking, I formalized and concretized my data-flow-language into PIPE. This post describes the language features and my thought process for it (continue reading)

Draft: Designing a Data Flow Language - Type System

. In sequence of the previous post, here I discuss a type system that can work in synergy with pipe expressions. Error handling, null values, functions and lambdas, tuples and pattern matching, and custom data types are some of the topics. (continue reading)

Draft: Designing a Data Flow Language - Pipe Expressions

. This article is a collection of notes about designing a new programming language based on functions that works upon stream of data. The focus here is the pipe expressions. (continue reading)

One Billion Row Challenge in Golang - From 95s to 1.96s

. In the One Billion Row Challenge, the task is to write a program capable of reading an 1-billion-line file (with around 13GB), process and aggregate temperature readings from various weather stations, and present a report of the results on console. In this article, I share my experience attempting the challenge with Golang, providing the details of how I achieved 1.96 seconds. (continue reading)

Designing a SHT Language

. As a professional and hobbyist programmer, I feel that to stay relevant within modern languages like Go and Rust, I needed a deeper understanding of programming language theory. My strategy? Design my own language, of course. A SHT language, which is a dynamic, procedural scripting language intended to be concise, expressive, and direct. If you're interested in exploring a tool that's less about utility and more about educational enjoyment, enjoy this SHT. (continue reading)